Friday, January 27, 2006

On the Reading of Books

I can't claim responsibility for the content of this blog entry, but I can certainly relate. Reading has always been one of the great joys of my life. When I taught first and second grade, a major goal was to excite children about reading--even material that challenged their skill level. Consequently, I own enough children's books that I've started giving some away since I'm no longer teaching. The house is certainly littered (term pictures the arrangement of volumes of books rather than their value) with adult books but budgetary constraints have encouraged avid utilization of public and church libraries. I particularly enjoyed these comments by the blog's author, "C.J., I took books to high school athletic events when I played in the band. [Heap coals of scorn and nerdliness here.] I remember the books -- do you remember the games?" When Paige played in the band, I observed some reading going on in the saxophone section, although, believe it or not, she wasn't the guilty party :)

The blog's author, by the way, is Al Mohler as part of a group blog site.


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