Thursday, July 13, 2006

"No matter how long you've dated, everyone marries a stranger. "

The line quoted above is from a Boundless webzine article Stop Test-Driving Your Girlfriend. As someone who has been faithfully married to one man for over twenty-nine years, I can attest to the truth of that statement. I think the rest of the article makes some interesting points, also. I trust that you'll find it interesting or bring it to the attention of someone else that might.

I Wish I Could Claim Responsibility For These Pictures

I hope you enjoyed these pictures :) Sometimes we are just too "sleepy" to be productive. That's not my excuse for not writing a serious post. I'm just not properly motivated at present, I guess.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

So Long Overdue With Posting That Probably Only My Family Will Look At This Post

I really can't believe that I haven't posted ANYTHING since April. I guess I read far more blog entries than I either write or comment on. This will not be a long post but perhaps this next week I'll write a serious post. For today, I'd like to share links to a few blog entries that caused me to smile a moment or laugh. I hope that if anyone is actually reading this blog, you'll find something you enjoy also.

From Girltalk: Friday Funnies

From Thinklings: I Have Girls
I Have Boys

While I only linked one entry from "Friday Funnies," the archives for that category contain more chuckle worthy material :)