Monday, October 02, 2006

Only in Texas?

The roots of my raising run deep...into the whole realm of country music. Today was particularly fun while driving around San Antonio because a local radio station, KJ97, is playing only George Strait music all day and all night and giving away his new CD which will be available in stores tomorrow. Even in a part of the country where George has been known to renew his driver's license a few blocks from our home and people see him around the area on occasion wearing a ball cap, hearing his music played exclusively is not the norm.

I know that many of you don't like country music and it is by no means the only type of music I enjoy, but I must admit to knowing most of the lyrics to anything by George Strait, and a large number of songs much older than his. I also must admit that Paige's ability to hear almost any song one time and then sing the song, inappropriate lyrics and all, resulted in some potentially embarrassing moments when she was younger. While I have been known to change the radio station when lyrics were less than wholesome, I've never totally eliminated country music from my life. My Daddy loved country music and Saturday night television was primarily country in our house. I can remember this being a point of contention at times since we wanted to watch "Flipper." But Daddy died in 1977 and sometimes nothing substitutes for singing along with a favorite country song. Excuse the reminiscing...


Blogger Ma Hoyt said...

I listen to country music sometimes, but usually when I'm alone in the car :-)

We used to watch Flipper, also! It was one of the few shows my folks allowed us to watch, along with The Flintstones, Time Tunnel, Mission Impossible and Leave it to Beaver.

We also viewed any National Geographic special or Hallmark film.

The Billy Graham crusades were a must. 85-year-old "Grandma Violet" and I are probably the only people in our church who remember Ethel Waters singing "His Eye is on the Sparrow."

That is still one of my favorite gospel songs.

Reminiscing is good.

10:15 PM  
Blogger MoM said...

I still enjoy country even though I live in CA and various other parts of the country for years. I think once a Texan....there is a little bit of country always deep inside....some where.

11:06 PM  

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