Monday, October 24, 2005

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggedy Jig

It is good to be out of the car after a long drive on this nice autumn day. I really enjoyed my visit with Paige and many of her university friends during a portion of their Fall Break. About 27 friends were successfully fed last night, with my primary contribution being baked beans and mashed potatoes of the non-instant type (and financial provision for substantial amounts of groceries to share). Paige did a great job with all the other food which was served, including the 13 dozen fresh rolls. A small number of rolls did get burned at the last minute, but Paige was not responsible for that incident. When I left today, there were actually some rolls remaining. Of course, Moore was taking his GRE today...

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Observed On My Niece’s Blog

My fifteen-year-old niece, Mandy, recently posted the following quotes and I thought I’d pass them along:

"No one will ever win the battle of the sexes...there's too much fraternizing with the enemy."

"Laughing at someone will make you feel better for a minute, but helping someone that's laughed at will make you feel better forever."

I enjoy insights into her interests and thoughts.

A recent picture of Mandy Posted by Picasa

Rambling Thoughts

October days have passed in numerous ways but it is evident that whatever pursuits have been occupying my time; writing and reflecting through this blog have not been among them. I would like to pause briefly and share a quotation I ran across that was attributed to C. S. Lewis:

”It is the immemorial privilege of letter-writers to commit to paper things they would not say; to write in a more grandiose manner than that in which they speak; and to enlarge upon feelings which would be passed by unnoticed in conversation.”

I have long treasured letters from a friend or loved one that can be re-read and contemplated long months or years after they were first penned. I also treasure memories of moments of quiet conversation together with special people. Like many people these days, I have expanded my communications menu to include e-mail, instant messenger dialogue, and, most recently, web logs. I wonder, however, if we lose something in the realm of written communication compared to the “letter-writer” referenced by Lewis. I don’t have any astute observations to pass along but some questions come to mind. Would I communicate in a thoughtful letter that which I might state in an IM conversation? Should I reflect longer before sending out an “instant” reaction to some assertion or feeling expressed through electronic communication? Is it conceivable that we might sometimes “protect” ourselves from some level of personal interaction inherent in “face to face” communication through using modern technology?

Again, I don’t have answers, although some opinions are “in process.” I see much of benefit in expanded means of communication (especially as a mother with a daughter living at college) but hope that we don’t reap an unexpected harvest in the area in interpersonal relationships through our reliance upon electronic communication. Relationships involve sharing of ourselves on many levels. Close relationships involve exposing our true person to another as we remove the masks behind which we have hovered for protection. Is this process facilitated or hindered by computerized messages? Do descriptions of our facial and bodily expression substitute effectively for actual observation of the person with whom we are conversing? While some such descriptions I’ve read have been quite humorous, I don’t really know whether they provide sufficient clues to all that may have been intended in the communication.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Not Exactly a "Real" Post

Just sharing a quote that I ran across today -

"For when there is a question as to whether a man is good, one does not ask what he believes, or what he hopes, but what he loves. For the man who loves aright no doubt believes and hopes aright...."

-St. Augustine, The Enchiridion §117

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

A Look Back in Time

I returned home from several days of travel yesterday. Hopefully, I'll add a "serious" post in the next day or two. In the meantime, perhaps you’ll indulge me as I post a few more pictures. Stories of Paige's childhood were requested last night so I'm posting pictures of her instead of the scenery shots I generally share. I did not ask her permission but I am not sharing embarrassing video clips, just snapshots, so hopefully I won’t alienate my daughter. :-)

Paige at the Fort Worth zoo at about 18 months Posted by Picasa

Family picture when Paige was about one year old Posted by Picasa

Paige at about 9 months - already "on the go" Posted by Picasa